Cinema 4D render farm supports now Cinema 4D 2024.5

Render4you Cinema 4D render farm supports now Cinema 4D 2023

Maxon released Cinema 4D 2024.5  and we updated to the latest version

Important Notes

  • Default Installation Path: Cinema 4D 2024.5 will install to the “Maxon Cinema 4D 2024” folder by default, replacing any existing installations of Cinema 4D 2024.4.1. This approach is intended to simplify management, minimize migration issues, and reduce disk usage. You can customize the installation path if you want to keep separate installations of each dot release. For previous versions, visit Maxon Downloads.

  • System Requirements: Remain the same as Cinema 4D 2024.0.

New Features


  • Split Command: Defaults to not keeping polygons in the source object.


  • Connectors: Improved auto-generated connectors, with translations applied in local space and support for Colliders, Spring, and Motor Object. Connectors can be gathered in a Null object without affecting their relative positions.
  • Ragdoll: Default orientation now has the cone pointing vertically.


  • Volume Grid List: New options to choose which grids to sample in a volume field layer.


  • Emitters and Forces: Cloners and Arrays now support Basic Particle Emitters and Forces.
  • Collider Modifier: Added an “iteration” parameter.
  • Surface Attractor: Splits strength parameters into Attract Strength and Follow Strength, with a new slider for Object Velocity Strength influence.
  • Particle Export/Import: Supports scale for Particle Group and External Cache.


  • Camera Creation: Redshift Camera is now created when using Motion Tracking, Camera Calibrator, Camera Morph, Camera Crane, and Motion Camera.


  • Alembic Points: Can be imported as a Particle Group with custom export settings for baking.

Scene Nodes

  • New Nodes: Split Node (based on the Split Command), Disconnect Node (procedural version of Disconnect), Align Nodes, Outline Spline Node (for procedural strokes or offsets), and Points Modifier (for custom modifiers/deformers).

General Improvements

  • Undo History: Now accessible within the File Menu.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed issues with animation layers, paths, and Scene Node Generator objects affecting Aim Constraint tags.

Character Animation

  • Fixed issues with the Bake Objects command, Delta Mush deformer, and Pose Morph tag.


  • Improved GPU simulation performance and fixed issues with material import and animation start frames.

Color Management

  • Fixed missing options when using custom OCIO configuration files.


  • Fixed issues with Projection, Spline Wrap, and other deformers.


  • Fixed slow After Effects exchange and various issues with Alembic and CAD file imports.


  • Fixed issues with Save with Assets, Volume Builder's Object list, and Help menu.

Layer Manager

  • Fixed issues with layer selection and visibility.


  • Fixed preview issues with the Four-Corner gradient shader.


  • Fixed multiple issues related to Bevel, Loop Selection, and Symmetry objects.


  • Fixed issues with Vertex Maps, linear fields, and Partition modifier.

Motion Tracker

  • Fixed issues with footage display in the Viewport.


  • Fixed stability issues and various bugs with Points Modifier Node and Node Editor.

Object Manager

  • Fixed search issues for Redshift tags.


  • Fixed stability issues with Chaos Corona and Picture Viewer.


  • Fixed issues with Python scripts and Viewport navigation.


  • Fixed stability issues with Render Settings and Alembic export.


  • Fixed issues with the Symmetry Hub in Radial mode.


  • Fixed numerous issues related to Bullet dynamics, Reproduce emitter, and Pyro simulation.

Vertex Color

  • Fixed stability issues with the Paint tool.


  • Fixed issues with Display tag, HDR images, and camera navigation.


  • Fixed issues with the Volume Builder's Redo functionality.

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