Render4you Redshift Render Farm has rolled out an update, bringing its Redshift version up to 3.6.00
Please be aware that all tasks utilizing Redshift release 3.5 will now be using version 3.5.24. If you require a different version for your specific needs, we are happy to provide you with a custom version.
Earlier versions will be processed using Redshift versions 2.6.56 and 3.0.67, respectively.
Release Notes Summary: Version 3.6.00 (2024.04)
Cinema 4D
Added localization for German and Korean in all supported versions of Cinema 4D.
Introduced support for rendering material previews in the background with the CPU, alongside IPR or final renders, controlled by a new material preview mode in the preferences.
Added support for the new Cinema 4D particle system in version 2024.4.
Fixed a color-management issue affecting Substances in Nodes, ShaderGraph, and emulated Standard materials.
Resolved bugs where:
The default material was ignored when material override was enabled.
Material previews in Nodes could be blank under certain conditions.
Objects with no materials were ignored by the material override options.
The IPR would not detect changes to the RSObject tag under certain conditions.
To support the new particle system in Cinema 4D 2024, the minimum required version of the 2024 plugin has been updated to 2024.4.
Added a mechanism for specifying light lists on Toon material.
Fixed a bug with broken Custom AOV.
The RS shader menu button now defaults to rsStandardMaterial.
Optimized the processing of n-gons during scene parsing.
3ds Max
Added support for RS Material Output material.
Fixed a bug in Redshift Color Picker where alpha controls were not shown or hidden correctly.
Supported Autodesk fixes from 3ds Max 2024.2 addressing color quantization/overflow issues in the Redshift Color Picker.
The Redshift Light Lister now opens the color picker as a modeless (non-blocking) window to work around 3ds Max SDK limitations.
Added support for Houdini 20.0.625 and 20.0.653; dropped support for 20.0.506 and 20.0.547.
Improved error handling functions to prevent Houdini crashes after Redshift render-time critical issues.
Added an option in the RS OBJ spare parameters to disable automatic instancing of procedural packed Alembics.
Added error messages for failed image or proxy file writes.
Fixed various bugs affecting:
IPR updating of materials parameters after assigning them to new objects.
IPR updating of materials after rewiring VOP nodes.
RSLight and RSDomeLight texture color space options.
Crashes when loading a new scene while IPR is rendering.
Rendering of shader nodes from previous scenes with the same node name.
The "Redshift_setGPU" hscript command after initializing Redshift.
Transformations of Alembic procedural instances.
Viewport rendering on Linux.
Enhanced IPR updates of volume objects after modifying grid names in volume shaders.
The Single Pass Deep Output "Disable Lights" feature now also disables global and sky environments.
Added support for Solaris 20.0.625 and 20.0.653; dropped support for 20.0.506 and 20.0.547.
Added support for ramps with multiple interpolation types in the knots.
Introduced RSPhysicalSky LOP to help configure the RS sun/sky environment.
Added support for the Solaris/Hydra "Stop/Resume" rendering workflow, replacing the unsupported "Pause/Resume" feature.
Fixed various bugs causing:
Crashes if tangent attributes can't be computed due to missing normals or UVs.
Matting or visibility issues with PointInstancer using instanceable primitives as prototypes.
Viewport updating problems with instance visibility or matte options.
Issues with multiple UV maps.
Errors in single-layer EXR files when there are no additional AOVs in Redshift and RenderVars LOPs.
Time-dependency in the Redshift LOP while rendering Cryptomatte or deep AOVs.
Problems loading the Hydra plugin on Linux in some Solaris 20.0 versions.
Incorrect default light intensity in batch rendering.
Orientation issues with volume instances.
Devices configuration options are now exposed in Solaris viewport settings.
Downsampling Rate parameter is now exposed in the Redshift LOP.
USD Procedural
Added support for MacOS Apple Silicon.
Added support for global arbitrary user attributes.
Added error messages for failed image or proxy file writes.
Fixed a crash when first rendering with IPR on M3.
Added support for OSL, requiring driver 23.Q4.
Fixed random CPU crashes.
Fixed a bug causing strong fireflies.
Resolved several convergence issues, leading to significantly better sampling convergence in various cases.
Improved navigation quality and fixed ghosting effects.
Denoiser now exhibits less color bleeding and flickering under motion.
Improved Mesh Light sampling.
Added Programmable Volume Shaders, including major refactoring and improvements in volume sampling and shading technology.
Introduced new Toon Material, Tonemap Pattern Shader, and Contour Shader for toon rendering.
Implemented all-new mesh light technology, bringing mesh light features and quality in line with other area lights.
Added texturable opacity control to area lights.
Unified Volumetric Fog and Volume Object rendering technology for better integration.
Added Jendersie-D'Eon anisotropy model.
Introduced Scalar and Color Volume Attribute Shaders for volume attribute lookup.
Updated the behavior of the shadow cut-off threshold optimization.
Added raybouncelevel output to RS State Shader.
Changed Standard Material transmission single scatter for more artist-friendly and predictable results, based on the new OpenPBR spec.
Fixed various bugs, including:
Volume emission appearing too strong in reflections.
CUBE file parsing leading to some LUT files failing to load.
Crashes when knots were removed from the RS Ramp shader.
A recently introduced bug causing the error message: "Range for 'm_InstanceIDMOD' has been overwritten (by later recursions) and was not marked as 'WillBeReadInTheFuture'".
Redshift offers a variety of powerful features and works seamlessly with popular 3D modeling and animation software such as 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, and Blender
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